时间:2020-03-04 10:19  浏览:246





序号 标准号 标准名称 发布日期 实施日期 标准状态
1 GB 10213-2006 一次性使用医用橡胶检查手套 2006-03-14 2006-12-01 现行
2 GB 19082-2009 医用一次性防护服技术要求 2009-05-06 2010-03-01 现行
3 GB 19083-2010 医用防护口罩技术要求 2010-09-02 2011-08-01 现行
4 GB 24539-2009 防护服装化学防护服通用技术要求 2009-10-30 2010-09-01 现行
5 GB 24540-2009 防护服装酸碱类化学品防护服 2009-10-30 2010-09-01 现行
6 GB 24786-2009 一次性使用聚氯乙烯医用检查手套 2009-12-15 2010-10-01 现行
7 GB 24788-2009 医用手套表面残余粉末、水抽提蛋白质限量 2009-11-30 2010-10-01 现行
8 GB 2626-2006 呼吸防护用品自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 2006-03-27 2006-12-01 现行
9 GB 2626-2019 呼吸防护 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 2019-12-31 2020-07-01 即将生效
10 GB 2890-2009 呼吸防护 自吸过滤式防毒面具 2009-04-13 2009-12-01 现行
11 GB/T 18664-2002 呼吸防护用品的选择、使用与维护 2002-03-12 2002-10-01 现行
12 GB/T 20097-2006 防护服一般要求 2006-01-12 2006-09-01 现行
13 GB 7543-2006 一次性使用灭菌橡胶外科手套 2006-03-14 2006-12-01 现行
14 GB/T 20654-2006 防护服装机械性能材料抗刺穿及动态撕裂性的试验方法 2006-12-07 2007-07-01 现行
15 GB/T 20655-2006 防护服装机械性能抗刺穿性的测定 2006-12-07 2007-07-01 现行
16 GB/T 21869-2008 医用手套表面残余粉末的测定 2008-05-14 2008-10-01 现行
17 GB/T 21870-2008 天然胶乳医用手套水抽提蛋白质的测定 改进Lowry法 2008-05-14 2008-10-01 现行
18 GB/T 23462-2009 防护服装化学物质渗透试验方法 2009-04-01 2009-12-01 现行
19 GB/T 23463-2009 防护服装微波辐射防护服 2009-04-01 2009-12-01 现行
20 GB/T 23464-2009 防护服装防静电毛针织服 2009-04-01 2009-12-01 现行
21 GB/T 23465-2009 呼吸防护用品 实用性能评价 2009-04-01 2009-12-01 现行
22 GB/T 24536-2009 防护服装化学防护服的选择、使用和维护 2009-10-30 2010-09-01 现行
23 GB/T 29511-2013 防护服装固体颗粒物化学防护服 2013-05-09 2014-02-01 现行
24 GB/T 32610-2016 日常防护型口罩技术规范 2016-04-25 2016-11-01 现行
25 GB/T 38300-2019 防护服装冷环境防护服 2019-12-10 2020-07-01 即将生效
26 GB/T 38302-2019 防护服装热防护性能测试方法 2019-12-10 2020-07-01 即将生效
27 YY 0318-2000 医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具第3部分:防护服和性腺防护器具 2000-01-31 2000-07-01 现行
28 YY 0469-2011 医用外科口罩 2011-12-31 2013-06-01 现行
29 YY/T 0506.1-2005 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第1部分:制衣厂、处理厂和产品的通用要求 2005-04-05 2006-01-01 现行
30 YY/T 0506.2-2016 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服第2部分:性能要求和试验方法 2016-01-26 2017-01-01 现行
31 YY/T 0506.4-2016 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服第4部分:干态落絮试验方法 2016-07-29 2017-06-01 现行
32 YY/T 0506.5-2009 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第5部分:阻干态微生物穿透试验方法 2009-06-16 2009-12-01 现行
33 YY/T 0506.6-2009 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第6部分:阻湿态微生物穿透试验方法 2009-06-16 2010-12-01 现行
34 YY/T 0506.7-2014 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第7部分:洁净度-微生物试验方法 2014-06-17 2015-07-01 现行
35 YY/T 0506.8-2019 病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第8部分:产品专用要求 2019-07-24 2020-08-01 即将生效
36 YY/T 0616.1-2016 一次性使用医用手套第1部分:生物学评价要求与试验 2016-01-26 2017-01-01 现行
37 YY/T 0616.2-2016 一次性使用医用手套第2部分:测定货架寿命的要求和试验 2016-01-26 2017-01-01 现行
38 YY/T 0616.3-2018 一次性使用医用手套 第3部分:用仓贮中的成品手套确定实际时间失效日期的方法 2018-11-07 2019-11-01 现行
39 YY/T 0616.4-2018 一次性使用医用手套 第4部分:抗穿刺试验方法 2018-12-20 2020-01-01 现行
40 YY/T 0616.5-2019 一次性使用医用手套 第5部分:抗化学品渗透 持续接触试验方法 2019-10-23 2020-10-01 即将生效
41 YY/T 0689-2008 血液和体液防护装备 防护服材料抗血液传播病原体穿透性能测试Phi-X174噬菌体试验方法 2008-10-17 2010-01-01 现行
42 YY/T 0691-2008 传染性病原体防护装备 医用面罩抗合成血穿透性试验方法(固定体积、水平喷射) 2008-10-17 2010-01-01 现行
43 YY/T 0699-2008 液态化学品防护装备 防护服材料抗加压液体穿透性能测试方法 2008-10-17 2010-01-01 现行
44 YY/T 0700-2008 血液和体液防护装备 防护服材料抗血液和体液穿透性能测试 合成血试验方法 2008-10-17 2010-01-01 现行
45 YY/T 0866-2011 医用防护口罩总泄露率测试方法 2011-12-31 2013-06-01 现行
46 YY/T 0969-2013 一次性使用医用口罩 2013-10-21 2014-10-01 现行
47 YY/T 1425-2016 防护服材料抗注射针穿刺性能标准试验方法 2016-01-26 2017-01-01 现行
48 YY/T 1497-2016 医用防护口罩材料病毒过滤效率评价测试方法 Phi—X174噬菌体测试方法 2016-07-29 2017-06-01 现行
49 YY/T 1498-2016 医用防护服的选用评估指南 2016-07-29 2017-06-01 现行
50 YY/T 1499-2016 医用防护服的液体阻隔性能和分级 2016-07-29 2017-06-01 现行
51 YY/T 1632-2018 医用防护服材料的阻水性:冲击穿透测试方法 2018-12-20 2019-06-01 现行
52 YY/T 1633-2019 一次性使用医用防护鞋套 2019-07-24 2021-02-01 即将生效
53 YY/T 1642-2019 一次性使用医用防护帽 2019-07-24 2021-02-01 即将生效
54 FZ/T 73049-2014 针织口罩 2014-10-14 2015-04-01 现行
序号 标准号 标准中文名称 标准英文名称
1 42 CFR Part 84 美国呼吸护具新标准 Respiratory Protective Devices
2 ABNT NBR 13391-1995(R2014) 手术手套规范 Surgical gloves. Specification
3 ABNT NBR IEC 61331-3-2004 防护服和性腺防护装置-对诊断医用X射线防护装置第3部分 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation Part 3- Protective clothing and protective devices for gonads
4 ABNT NBR ISO 11193-1-2015 一次性医用检验手套 Single-use medical examination gloves
5 ABNT NBR ISO 11193-2-2013 一次性使用的医疗检查手套 第2部分:由聚氯乙烯制成的手套 Single-use medical examination gloves Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly (vinyl chloride)
6 ANSI/AAMI PB70-2012 医疗保健设施中使用的防护服和防护布的液体阻挡层性能和分类 Liquid barrier performance and classification of protective apparel and drapes intended for use in health care facilities
7 ANSI/ADA 102-1998 牙医用无菌丁二烯手套 Non-Sterile Nitrile Gloves for Dentistry
8 ANSI/ADA 103-2001 牙医用无菌增塑聚氯乙烯手套 Non-Sterile Polyvinyl Chloride Gloves for Dentistry
9 ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2015 美国国家标准职业和教育用个人眼睛和面部保护装置 American National Standard Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices
10 ANSI/NFPA 1999-2008 急救医疗手术用防护服的标准 Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations
11 ANSI/NFPA 1999-2018 紧急医疗事故现场防护服 Standard on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations
12 ANSI/PB70-2012 旨在用于医疗保健设施的防护服和防护层的液体屏障性能和分类(FDA认可) Liquid barrier performance and classification of protective apparel and drapes intended for use in health care facilities (FDA RECOGNIZED)
13 AS/NZS 4011.1-2014 一次性医用检查手套 第1部分:由橡胶乳液或橡胶溶液制成手套的规范 Single-use medical examination gloves - Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution (ISO 11193-1:2008, MOD)
14 AS/NZS 4011.2-2014 一次性医用检查手套 第2部分:由聚氯乙烯制成手套的规范 Single-use medical examination gloves - Specification for gloves made from poly(vinyl chloride) (ISO 11193-2:2006, MOD)
15 ASTM D3577-2019 外科用橡胶手套规格 Standard Specification for Rubber Surgical Gloves
16 ASTM D3578-2019 橡胶检验手套规格 Standard Specification for Rubber Examination Gloves
17 ASTM D5151-1999 医用手套漏孔检测的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
18 ASTM D5151-2006 医用手套漏孔检测的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
19 ASTM D5151-2006(2015) 检测医用手套漏孔的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
20 ASTM D5250-2000 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
21 ASTM D5250-2000e1 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
22 ASTM D5250-2000e2 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
23 ASTM D5250-2000e3 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
24 ASTM D5250-2000e4 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
25 ASTM D5250-2006 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
26 ASTM D5250-2006(2011) 医用聚乙烯手套的标准规格 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
27 ASTM D5250-2006(2015) 医用聚氯乙稀手套的标准规格 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
28 ASTM D5250-2006e1 医用聚氯乙烯手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Poly(vinyl chloride) Gloves for Medical Application
29 ASTM D6124-2000 医用手套上残留粉末的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves
30 ASTM D6124-2006 医用手套上残留粉末的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves
31 ASTM D6124-2006(2011) 医用手套上残留粉末的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves
32 ASTM D6124-2006(2017) 医用手套残余粉末的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves
33 ASTM D6319-2000a(2005) 医用腈橡胶检验手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
34 ASTM D6319-2010 医用腈类检验手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
35 ASTM D6319-2010(2015) 医疗检查用丁腈橡胶手套的标准规格 Standard Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
36 ASTM D6319-2019 医用腈检验手套规格 Standard Specification for Nitrile Examination Gloves for Medical Application
37 ASTM D6355-1998 医用手套人重复损害修补试验的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Human Repeat Insult Patch Testing of Medical Gloves
38 ASTM D6355-1998(2003) 医用手套人重复损害修补试验的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Human Repeat Insult Patch Testing of Medical Gloves
39 ASTM D6977-2004(2016) 医疗检查用氯丁橡胶手套的标准规格 Standard Specification for Polychloroprene Examination Gloves for Medical Application
40 ASTM D6977-2004e1 医用氯丁橡胶检测手套的标准规范 Standard Specification for Polychloroprene Examination Gloves for Medical Application
41 ASTM D6977-2019 医用聚氯丁烯检查手套规格 Standard Specification for Polychloroprene Examination Gloves for Medical Application
42 ASTM D6978-2005 防化学理疗药物渗透的医用手套的评定的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Assessment of Resistance of Medical Gloves to Permeation by Chemotherapy Drugs
43 ASTM D6978-2005(2019) 医用手套对化疗药物渗透阻力的评价的标准操作规程 Standard Practice for Assessment of Resistance of Medical Gloves to Permeation by Chemotherapy Drugs
44 ASTM D7102-2004 测定无菌医疗手套的内毒素的标准指南 Standard Guide for Determination of Endotoxin on Sterile Medical Gloves
45 ASTM D7102-2010 测定无菌医用手套上的内毒素的标准指南 Standard Guide for Determination of Endotoxin on Sterile Medical Gloves
46 ASTM D7103-2006 医用手套评定的标准指南 Standard Guide for Assessment of Medical Gloves
47 ASTM D7103-2006(2013) 医用手套评定的标准指南 Standard Guide for Assessment of Medical Gloves
48 ASTM D7103-2006e1 医用手套评估的标准指南 Standard Guide for Assessment of Medical Gloves
49 ASTM D7103-2018 医用手套评定的标准指南 Standard Guide for Assessment of Medical Gloves
50 ASTM D7160-2005 医用手套有效期测定的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Determination of Expiration Dating for Medical Gloves
51 ASTM D7160-2005(2010) 医用手套有效期测定的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Determination of Expiration Dating for Medical Gloves
52 ASTM D7160-2016 医用手套有效期测定的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Determination of Expiration Dating for Medical Gloves
53 ASTM D7161-2016 测定典型仓库条件下存放的成熟医用手套实时有效期的标准实施规程 Standard Practice for Determination of Real Time Expiration Dating of Mature Medical Gloves Stored Under Typical Warehouse Conditions
54 ASTM D7907-2014 测定医用检查手套表面杀菌作用的标准试验方法 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Bactericidal Efficacy on the Surface of Medical Examination Gloves
55 ASTM D7907-2014(2019) 医用体检手套表面杀菌效果测定方法 Standard Test Methods for Determination of Bactericidal Efficacy on the Surface of Medical Examination Gloves
56 ASTM F1671/F1671M-2013 利用Phi-X174噬菌体穿透性作为试验系统测定防护服材料抗血液携带病原体穿透性的试验方法 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Blood-Borne Pathogens Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage Penetration as a Test System
57 ASTM F1862/F1862M-2017 医用口罩抗人工合成血渗透的标准试验方法(已知速度下固定体积的水平投影) Standard Test Method for Resistance of Medical Face Masks to Penetration by Synthetic Blood (Horizontal Projection of Fixed Volume at a Known Velocity)
58 ASTM F2100-2003 医用口罩用材料性能的标准规范 Standard Specification for Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
59 ASTM F2100-2003a 医用口罩用材料性能的标准规范 Standard Specification for Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
60 ASTM F2100-2011 医疗口罩材料性能的标准规范 Standard Specification for Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
61 ASTM F2100-2019 医用口罩材料性能标准规范 Standard Specification for Performance of Materials Used in Medical Face Masks
62 ASTM F2101-2019 用金黄色葡萄球菌生物气溶胶评定医用面罩材料细菌过滤效率的试验方法 Standard Test Method For evaluating The Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) Of Medical Face Mask Materials, Using A Biological Aerosol Of Staphylococcus Aureus
63 ASTM F2299/F2299M-2003(2017) 通过采用胶乳球体的微粒测定医用面罩用材料耐渗透性初始效率的试验方法 Standard Test Method For Determining The Initial Efficiency Of Materials Used In Medical Face Masks To Penetration By Particulates Using Latex Spheres
64 BS 8468-2-2006 用于对抗化学、生物、放射和核(CBRN)制剂的呼吸保护装置. 负压,全面罩空气净化装置. 规范 Respiratory Protective Devices For Use Against Chemical, Biological, Radiological And Nuclear (CBRN) Agents. Negative Pressure, Air Purifying Devices With Full Face Mask. Specification
65 BS EN 12942-1998+A2-2008 呼吸保护装置. 辅助过滤装置,包括全口罩、半口罩或四分之一口罩. 要求,测试,标记 Respiratory protective devices. Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks. Requirements, testing, marking.
66 BS EN 137-2006 呼吸保护装置. 自给式全面罩开路压缩空气呼吸器. 要求,测试,标记 Respiratory protective devices. Self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask. Requirements, testing, marking.
67 BS EN 14593-1-2018 呼吸防护装置. 压缩空气管路呼吸装置,带需求阀. 设备与一个完整的面具. 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory Protective Devices. Compressed Air Line Breathing Devices With Demand Valve. Devices With A Full Face Mask. Requirements, Testing And Marking
68 BS EN 14605-2005+A1-2009 液态化学物质防护服装.包含只提供部分身体保护的不透水(3型)或防喷洒渗透(4型)连接的服装的性能要求(类型PB [3]和PB [4]) Protective clothing against liquid chemicals-Performance requirements for clothing with liquid-tight (Type 3) or spray-tight (Type 4) connections, including items providing protection to parts of the body only (Types PB [3] and PB [4])
69 BS EN 149-2001+A1-2009 呼吸防护装置. 过滤半面罩以防颗粒. 要求,测试,标记 Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles. Requirements, testing, marking
70 BS EN 455-2-2015 一次性医用手套.物理性质的要求和测定 Medical gloves for single use. Requirements and testing for physical properties
71 BS EN 455-4-2009 一次性医用手套.第4部分:测定货架寿命的试验和要求 Medical gloves for single use Part 4: Requirements and testing for shelf life determination
72 BS EN 61331-3-2014 防医疗诊断用X射线的防护装置. 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation. Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
73 BS EN ISO 21171-2006 医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定 Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder
74 BS PD CEN/TR 16953-2017 一次性医用手套. 选择指南 Medical gloves for single use. Guidance for selection
75 CEN/TR 16953-2017 一次性医用手套. 选择指南 Medical gloves for single use - Guidance for selection
76 CNS 12837-1991 一般医疗用聚氯乙烯手套 Polyvinyl Chloride Medical Gloves
77 CNS 12838-1991 一般医疗用聚氯乙烯手套检验法 Method of Test for Polyvinyl Chloride Medical Gloves
78 DIN 58133-2008 医疗压缩袜 Medical compression hosiery
79 DIN EN 208-2010 个人眼睛保护——用于激光和激光系统调节工作的护目镜(激光调节护目镜) Personal eye-protection - Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser ad justment eye-protectors)
80 DIN EN 455-1-2001 一次性医用手套.第1部分:密封性要求和检验 Medical gloves for single use - Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from holes; German version EN 455-1:2000
81 DIN EN 455-2-2015 一次性医用手套.第2部分:物理特性用要求和试验.德文版本EN 455-2-2015 Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties; German version EN 455-2:2015
82 DIN EN 455-3-2015 一次性医用手套.第3部分:生物评定要求和试验;德文版本EN 455-3-2015 Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation; German version EN 455-3:2015
83 DIN EN 61331-3-2016 防医疗诊断用X射线的防护装置.第3部分:防护服,护目镜和患者防护罩(IEC 61331-3-2014).德文版本EN 61331-3-2014 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields (IEC 61331-3:2014); German version EN 61331-3:2014
84 DIN EN ISO 21171-2006 医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定(ISO 21171-2006) Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder (ISO 21171:2006) English version of DIN EN ISO 21171:2006-08
85 DS/EN 455-3-2007 一次性使用医用手套第3部分:生物学评价要求和测试 Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation
86 DS/EN 61331-3-1999 防止诊断医疗X射线辐射的保护装置 - 第3部分:生殖器防护服和保护装置 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing and protective devices for gonads
87 DS/EN ISO 21171-2006 医用手套可移动表面粉末的测定 Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder
88 DS/ISO 22609-2005 防病毒衣物 - 医用口罩 - 合成血液渗透性测试方法(固定体积,水平投影) Clothing for protection against infectious agents - Medical face masks - Test method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally projected)
89 EN 136-1998 呼吸防护装置——全面罩式 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices. Full face masks. Requirements, testing, marking
90 EN 138-1994 呼吸保护装置. 全面罩、半面罩或吹口总成用新鲜空气软管呼吸器规范 Respiratory protective devices. Specification for fresh air hose breathing apparatus for use with full face mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly
91 EN 140-1999 呼吸防护装置半面罩和1/4面罩式——要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices - Half masks and quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking
92 EN 14126-2003 防护服 防传病毒防护服的性能 要求和试验方法 Protective clothing - Performance requirements and tests methods for protective clothing against infective agents
93 EN 143-2000 呼吸防护装置 微粒过滤器——要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices. Particle filters. Requirements, testing, marking
94 EN 14387-2006 呼吸防护装置 气体过滤器和组合过滤器 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements, testing, marking
95 EN 14683-2019 医用口罩-要求和试验方法 Medical face masks – Requirements and test methods
96 EN 149-2001+A1-2009 呼吸防护装置 颗粒防护用过滤半面罩——要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices. Filtering half masks to protect against particles. Requirements, testing, m arking
97 EN 166-2001 个人用眼护具 技术要求 Personal eye protection. Specifications
98 EN 167-2002 个人眼睛保护 视力测试 Personal eye protection. Optical test methods
99 EN 168-2002 个人眼睛保护 非视力测试 Personal eye-protection. Non-optical test methods
100 EN 402-2003 呼吸保护装置. 肺控要求自给式开路压缩空气呼吸器,配有完整的面罩或逃生吹口组件. 要求,测试,标记 Respiratory Protective Devices. Lung Governed Demand Self-Contained Open-Circuit Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus With Full Face Mask Or Mouthpiece Assembly For Escape Requirements, Testing, Marking
101 EN 455-2-2015 一次性医用手套.第2部分:物理性能的要求和试验 Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties
102 EN 530-2010 防护服材料的耐磨性能. 试验方法 Abrasion resistance of protective clothing material - Test methods
103 EN 61331-3-2014 医用诊断x射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing@ eyewear and protective patient shields
104 EN ISO 21171-2006 医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定 ISO 21171-2006 Medical gloves Determination of removable surface powder
105 GOST 33070-2014 医用手套. 残余隔离剂的测定方法 Medical gloves. Method for determination of residual powdering agent
106 GOST 33076-2014 医用手套. 防漏密封的测定方法 Medical gloves. Method for determination of leak tightness
107 GOST EN 455-1-2014 一次性医用手套. 第1部分. 紧密性的测定方法 Medical gloves for single use. Part 1. Method for determination of tightness
108 GOST EN 455-2-2014 一次性医用手套. 第2部分. 物理特性的测定方法 Medical gloves for single use. Part 2. Method for determination of physical-mechanical properties
109 GOST R 52239-2004 一次性医疗检查手套.第1部分:橡胶乳胶或橡胶胶浆制手套的规格 Single-use medical examination gloves. Part 1. Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
110 GOST R 57397-2017 医疗检查用橡胶手套. 技术要求 Rubber examination medical gloves. Technical requirements
111 GOST R 57402-2017 医用手套. 使用期限的测定 Medical gloves. Determination of expiration dating
112 GOST R 57403-2017 医用聚氯乙稀手套. 技术要求 Poly(vinyl chloride) medical gloves. Technical requirements
113 GOST R 57404-2017 医用手套. 质量评估指南 Medical gloves. Quality assessment guide
114 GOST R 57493-2017 医疗器械. 放射科材料防护服. 政府采购技术要求 Medical devices. Protective garments for radiology department stuff. Technical requirements for governmental purchases
115 GOST R 57503-2017 医疗器械. 放射科患者防护服. 政府采购技术要求 Medical devices. Protective garments for radiology department patients. Technical requirements for governmental purchases
116 IEC 61331-3-2014 医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具 第3部分:防护服、护目镜和病人防护盾 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation – Part 3: Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
117 IEC 63145-20-10-2019 护目镜显示 第20-10部分:基本测量方法 光学性能 Eyewear display - Part 20-10: Fundamental measurement methods - Optical properties (Edition 1.0)
118 IEC 63145-20-20-2019 护目镜显示 第20-20部分:基本测量方法 影像质量 Eyewear display - Part 20-20: Fundamental measurement methods - Image quality (Edition 1.0)
119 IEC TR 63145-1-1-2018 护目镜显示 第1-1部分:一般介绍 Eyewear display - Part 1-1: Generic introduction (Edition 1.0)
120 ISO 10282-2014 一次性使用灭菌橡胶外科手套 规范 Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves - Specification
121 ISO 11193-1 AMD 1-2012 一次性医用检验手套.第1部分:橡胶乳或胶液制手套规格.修改件1 Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution; Amendment 1
122 ISO 11193-1-2008 一次性医用检验手套.第1部分:用胶乳或胶水制成的手套规范 Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
123 ISO 11193-2-2006 一次性医用检查手套.第2部分:聚乙烯(氯乙烯)制成的手套规范 Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly(vinyl chloride)
124 ISO 13982-1-2004 防固体粒子用防护服 第1部分:全身防空气中固体粒子的化学防护服的性能要求(5型服装) Protective clothing for use against solid particulates - Part 1: Performance requirements for chemical protective clothing providing protection to the full body against airborne solid particulates (type 5 clothing)
125 ISO 13982-2-2004 防固体化学粒子用防护服 第2部分:测定细颗粒气溶胶内部泄漏至服装内的试验方法 Protective clothing for use against solid particulates - Part 2: Test method of determination of inward leakage of aerosols of fine particles into suits
126 ISO 17510-2015 医疗器械 睡眠呼吸暂停治疗 面罩和应用附件 Medical devices - Sleep apnoea breathing therapy - Masks and application accessories
127 ISO 21171-2006 医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定 Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder
128 ISO 22609-2004 防传感病病原体的防护服 医用面罩 防人造血渗透性能的试验方法 Clothing for protection against infectious agents - Medical face masks - Test method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally projected)
129 ISO 4849-1981 个人用护目镜. 技术要求 Personal eye-protectors -- Specifications
130 ISO 4851-1979 个人用护目镜 紫外线滤光镜 应用和透射率的要求 Personal eye-protectors -- Ultra-violet filters -- Utilisation and transmittance requirements
131 ISO 4852-1978 个人用护目镜 红外线滤光镜 应用和透射率的要求 Personal eye-protectors -- Infra-red filters -- Utilisation and transmittance requirements
132 ISO 4854-1981 个人用护目镜 光学性能试验方法 Personal eye-protectors -- Optical test methods
133 ISO 4855-1981 个人用护目镜 非光学性能试验方法 Personal eye-protectors -- Non-optical test methods[个人用护目镜 非光学性能试验方法]
134 ISO 4856-1982 个人用护目镜 目镜和护目镜技术要求简表 Personal eye-protectors -- Synoptic tables of requirements for oculars and eye-protectors
135 ISO 6161-1981 个人用户目镜 防激光辐射的滤光镜和护目镜 Personal eye-protectors -- Filters and eye-protectors against laser radiation
136 ISO/TR 22463-2019 在激光或强光源(ILS)过程中患者和客户使用的护目镜 指南 Patient and client eye protectors for use during laser or intense light source (ILS) procedures - Guidance
137 JIS M7611-1996 防一氧化碳用自我救生器(CO护面罩) Self rescuer for carbon monoxide
139 JIS T61331-3-2016 医疗诊断用X射线防护装置. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation -- Part 3: Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
140 JIS T8147-2016 个人护目器 Personal eye protectors
141 JIS T8151-2018 微粒子呼吸器 Particulate respirators
142 JIS T8159-2006 呼吸防护面具漏泄率试验方法 Leakage rate testing method for respiratory protective devices
143 JIS T9115-2018 一次性检查用橡胶手套 Single-use rubber examination gloves
144 JIS T9116-2018 一次性检查用聚氯乙烯手套 Single-use polyvinyl chloride examination gloves
145 KS G ISO 12609-1-2014 第1部分:产品规范。防护人体和动物用强光源用于化妆品和医疗用途的护目镜。第1部分:产品规范 Eyewear for protection against intense light sources used on humans and animals for cosmetic and medical applications — Part 1: Specification for products
146 KS K ISO 22609-2012 传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积、水平喷射) Clothing for protection against infectious agents-Medical face masks-Test method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood(fixed volume, horizontally projected)
147 KS MISO 10282-2009 一次性使用灭菌橡胶外科手套规范 Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves-Specification
148 KS MISO 11193-1-2009 一次性医用检查手套 第1部分:由橡胶乳液或橡胶溶液制成手套的规范 Single-use medical examination gloves-Part 1:Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
149 KS MISO 11193-2-2009 一次性医用检查手套 第2部分:由聚氯乙烯制成手套的规范 Single-use medical examination gloves-Part 2:Specification for gloves made from poly(vinyl chloride)
150 LST EN 455-1-2001 一次性医用手套. 第1部分:孔自由度试验和要求 Medical gloves for single use - Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from holes
151 LST EN 455-2-2015 一次性医用手套. 第2部分: 物理特性的要求和检验 Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties
152 LST EN 455-3-2015 一次性医用手套. 第3部分: 生物评价的要求和试验 Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation
153 LST EN 61331-3-2014 医用诊断x射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩(IEC 61331-3-2014) Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields (IEC 61331-3:2014)
154 LST EN ISO 21171-2006 医用手套表面残余粉末的测定(ISO 21171-2006) Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder (ISO 21171:2006)
155 MIL-O-36788-1971 氧,USP,带管和面罩24加仑(90升) Oxygen, USP, With Tube And Face Mask 24 Gal. (90 Liter)
156 NF C18-482-1-1-2019 通电作业-防止电弧热危害的防护服-第1-1部分:测试方法-方法1:确定服装材料和防护服装的电弧额定值(ELIM、ATPV和/或EBT) Live working - Protective clothing against the thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1-1 : test methods - Method 1 : determination of the arc rating (ELIM, ATPV and/or EBT) of clothing materials and of protective clothing using an open arc
157 NF C74-228-3-2015 防医疗诊断用X射线的防护装置. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3 : protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
158 NF EN 12942-1998 呼吸保护装置.与全面罩,半面罩或1/4面 罩结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验,标志 Respiratory protective devices. Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks. Requirements, testing, marking.
159 NF EN 138-1995 呼吸保护器.带全面罩、半面罩或口罩的与空气隔离的呼吸保护器.要求、试验、标志 Respiratory protective devices. Fresh air hose breathing apparatus for use with full face mask, half mask or mouthpiece assembly. Requirements, testing, marking.
160 NF EN 402-2003 撤逃用呼吸防护装置.带全面罩或口罩组件的自持式开路压缩空气呼吸仪器.要求,试验,标记 Respiratory protective devices - Lung governed demand self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask or mouthpiece assembly for escape - Requirements, testing, marking
161 NF L44-519-1984 氧气面罩和氧气源的接头 Joints for connecting crew members’ regulators masks to oxygen sources.
162 NF S76-013-2002 呼吸保护装置. 口部套接管组件. 要求, 试验, 标志 Respiratory protective devices - Mouthpiece assemblies - Requirements, testing, marking
163 NF S76-014-2009 呼吸保护装置.颗粒防护用过滤式半面罩.要求、试验、标记 Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles - Requirements, testing, marking
164 NF S76-017/IN1-2009 呼吸防护装置. 无吸入阀带防止气体或气体微粒或只有微粒的分隔滤膜的半口罩. 试验,要求和标识 Respiratory protective devices - Half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only - Requirements, testing, marking
165 NF S76-017-2009 呼吸防护装置. 无吸入阀带防止气体或气体微粒或只有微粒的分隔滤膜的半口罩. 试验,要求和标识 Respiratory protective devices - Half masks without inhalation valves and with separable filters to protect against gases or gases and particles or particles only - Requirements, testing, marking
166 NF S76-034/A1-2004 呼吸防护装置. 带头盔或口罩的强力过滤设备. 要求、试验和标记 Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood - Requirements, testing, marking
167 NF S76-034/A2-2009 呼吸防护装置. 带头盔或口罩的动力过滤装置. 要求、测试和标记 Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a helmet or a hood - Requirements, testing, marking
168 NF S76-035-1998 呼吸保护装置.与全面罩,半面罩或1/4面 罩结合的带动力粒子过滤装置.要求,试验,标志 Respiratory protective devices. Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks. Requirements, testing, marking.
169 NF S76-042-2003 呼吸防护装置. 逃生用装全罩式面具或口罩式组件的需氧量配套开路压缩空气呼吸器. 要求、试验、标记 Respiratory protective devices - Lung governed demand self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus with full face mask or mouthpiece assembly for escape - Requirements, testing, marking.
170 NF S76-044-2005 自救用呼吸防护装置. 带口罩组件的一氧化碳过滤自救器 Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue - Filter self-rescuer from carbon monoxide with mouthpiece assembly.
171 NF S97-004-2006 医疗专用手套.可移动表面粉末的测定 Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder.
172 NFPA 1994-2018 危险材料紧急事件和CBRN恐怖主义事件的第一反应人员防护装备标准(生效日期:2017年8月21日) Standard on Protective Ensembles for First Responders to Hazardous Materials Emergencies and CBRN Terrorism Incidents
173 NFPA 1999 AMD 1-2015 紧急医疗作业用防护服和套装标准(生效日期:2015年4月27日) Standard on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations (Effective Date: 04/27/2015)
174 NFPA 1999 AMD 1-2017 紧急医疗服务用防护服套装标准(生效日期:09/06/2017) Standard on Protective Clothing Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations (Effective Date: 09/06/2017)
175 NFPA 1999 AMD 2-2017 紧急医疗操作防护服成套设备标准(生效日期:09/06/2017) Standard on Protective Clothing Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations
176 NFPA 1999 AMD 3-2018 紧急医疗服务用防护服和服装标准(生效日期:09/03/2018) Standard on Protective Clothing Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations
177 NFPA 1999 AMD 4-2018 紧急医疗服务用防护服和服装标准(生效日期:09/03/2018) Standard on Protective Clothing Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations
178 NFPA 1999-2013 紧急医疗服务防护服标准(生效日期:2012年12月17日) Standard on Protective Clothing for Emergency Medical Operations (Effective Date: 12/17/2012)
179 NFPA 1999-2018 紧急医疗服务用防护服和服装标准(生效日期:8/21/2017) Standard on Protective Clothing and Ensembles for Emergency Medical Operations (Effective Date: 8/21/2017)
180 SNI ISO 11193.1-2010 一次性医用检验手套. 第1部分:用橡胶乳和胶液制成的手套规范 Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
181 SNI ISO 11193.2-2010 一次性医用检查手套. 第2部分: 聚氯乙烯制成的手套规格 Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly(vinyl chloride)
182 STN EN 455-1-2002 一次性医用手套. 第1部分: 指孔间自由度的要求和试验 Medical gloves for single use. Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from holes
183 STN EN 455-2-2015 一次性医用手套. 第2部分: 物理特性的要求和检验 Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties
184 STN EN 455-4-2009 一次性医用手套. 第4部分: 测定货架寿命的要求和试验 Medical gloves for single use - Part 4: Requirements and testing for shelf life determination
185 STN EN 61331-3-2001 医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服和性腺防护器具 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation. Part 3: Protective clothing and protective devices for gonads
186 STN EN 61331-3-2015 医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具. 第3部分: 防护服, 护目镜和患者防护罩 Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3: Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
187 TCVN 6343-1-2007 一次性医用检验手套.第1部分:用胶乳或胶水制成的手套规范 Single-use medical examination gloves.Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
188 TCVN 6343-2-2007 一次性医用检验手套.第2部分:聚乙烯(氯乙烯)制成的手套规范 Single-use medical examination gloves.Part 2: Specification for gloves made from poly (vinyl chloride)
189 TCVN 8389-1-2010 医疗口罩.第1部分:普通医疗口罩 Medical face mask.Part 1: Normal medical face mask.
190 TCVN 8389-2-2010 医疗口罩.第2部分:防细菌医疗口罩 Medical face mask.Part 2: Medical face mask preventing bacteria.
191 TCVN 8389-3-2010 医疗口罩.第3部分:防有毒化学物质医疗口罩 Medical face mask.Part 3: Medical face mask preventing of toxic chemicals
192 TIS 1056.1-2013 一次性医用检查手套第1部分:橡胶乳胶或橡胶溶液制成的手套规范 Single-use medical examination gloves part 1:specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
193 TIS 1056-2005 一次性医用检验手套.第1部分:用胶乳或胶水制成的手套规范 Single.use medical examination gloves.part 1: specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution
194 UAE.S/GSO ISO 22609-2010 传染试剂防护服.医疗面罩.防人造血渗透的试验方法(固定容积,水平喷射) Clothing for protection against infectious agents -Medical face masks - Test method for resistance against penetration by synthetic blood (fixed volume, horizontally projected)
