ASTM D6450-2012e1 采用连续闭杯试验仪测定闪点40;CCCFP41的标准试验方法
2021-01-12 14:21  浏览:173  下载:29
标准类别 国外标准
标准状态 现行有效  (标准状态仅供参考)
颁发部门 US-ASTM
发布日期 2012
  ASTM D6450-2012e1 采用连续闭杯试验仪测定闪点40;CCCFP41的标准试验方法
  5.1x00a0;The flash point temperature is one measure of the tendency of the test specimen to form a flammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions. It is only one of a number of properties that must be considered in assessing the overall flammability hazard of a material.
  5.2x00a0;Flash point is used in shipping and safety regulations to define flammable and combustible materials and classify them. This definition may vary from regulation to regulation. Consult the particular regulation involved for precise definitions of these classifications.