ISO 5790-1979 工业用无机化学品 测定氯化物含量的一般方法 汞量法
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标准类别 国际标准
标准状态 现行有效  (标准状态仅供参考)
颁发部门 IX-ISO
发布日期 1979-07-15
ISO 5790-1979 工业用无机化学品 测定氯化物含量的一般方法 汞量法

       Covers a method enabling quantities of chloride eceeding 1 mg in the test portion to be determined with an absolute error of 0,2 to 0,5 mg, according to the concentration of the standard volumetric solution used. The principle of determination is based on the conversion of chloride ions into weakly ionized mercury(II) chloride, using highly ionized standard volumetric mercury(II) nitrate solution, and detection of the end-point by reaction of the excess of mercury(II) nitrate with 1,5-diphenyl-carbazone used as an indicator, by the apparance of a violet colour.